Software Patents are Programmer’s Responsibility
The other day I read this in Dark Shikari’s blog (one of the developers of x264): Most importantly, stop harassing the guy whose name is on the patent (La...
The other day I read this in Dark Shikari’s blog (one of the developers of x264): Most importantly, stop harassing the guy whose name is on the patent (La...
A while ago Matt Davidson contacted me to discuss a few issues with the Gregory ACC source code that we released. Turns out there were some issues in the code t...
I just posted another article about the global illumination solution that I implemented for The Witness, the second one in the series: The Witness – Hemic...
One important feature of Direct3D 11 and OpenGL 4, which I have seen very little written about, is the addition of a new precise qualifier. It’s no surpri...
You may have noticed my blog has been down during the last few months. I had some trouble with the server and lost all my posts. Unfortunately I did not have ba...
A lot has been going on in the last few months. Mariana is 14 weeks pregnant, so we are expecting to have another kid by the beginning of November. She has just...
Jon has recently started a development blog about The Witness, the game that we have been working on during the last few months. So far there are a few posts ab... takes note that OpenNL 3.0 has just been released and that this new version comes with support for CUDA. That’s certainly interesting, but for me the ...